Special economic zones operating in Warmia and Mazury offer the most attractive public aid in the country for pursuing business activity: tax reliefs, administrative facilitations and professional advisory services within economic zones and science parks.

There are two special economic zones operating in the Province: Warmia and Mazury Zone and Suwałki Region Zone.


Warmia and Mazury Special Economic Zone

It takes an area of nearly 1057 ha, located in 30 subzones intended for economic investments.

74 enterprises operate here (among them such renown ones as Michelin Polska S.A. and LG Electronics Mława); they created 9.3 thousand new jobs; the hitherto capital expenditures in the zone amount to 3.7 billion zloty.

The zone offers a wide range of developed investment areas and the highest level of public aid in the country offered to investors as considerable income tax reliefs.

More information on www.wmsse.com.pl.

Suwałki Region Special Economic Zone

Within the zone in Warmia and Mazury there are two subzones: Ełk and Gołdap. Currently, the Zone in Suwałki Region belongs to the best prepared economic areas in Poland in terms of infrastructure, and to the fastest developing ones.

The hitherto capital expenditures amount to more than 2.1 billion zloty; 6500 new jobs were created.

The range of public aid for the investments executed in the zone equals to: 50% in the case of large enterprises, 60% for medium enterprises and even 70% for small enterprises.

The zone of 375 ha is located in the direct vicinity of the border with Russia, Lithuania and Belarus, thus being a bridge between Western and Eastern Europe.

More information on www.ssse.com.pl.

It pays off to invest in the Warmia and Mazury region!  You can find out by using our foreign investment calculator.

our calculator includes a comparison of labor costs (which are much lower in the Warmia and Mazury region than in other regions of Poland and the EU) and tax exemptions, which are exceptionally favorable in Warmia and Mazury. In the case of labor costs, we have taken into account the number of workers in three different categories related to their job position and the nature of their work, while in the case of tax relief we have taken into consideration the size of the enterprise.

Just fill out the appropriate fields to find out how much you can save by locating your investment in the Warmia and Mazury region.

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