The environmental consent decision [Polish: decyzja o uwarunkowaniach środowiskowych] specifies the manner of project execution to mitigate environmental deterioration as far as possible. It sets out the requirements that may arise both during project execution and during project operation, relating not only to the protection of the natural environment, but also to the protection of social interests, e.g. those of the residents of neighboring properties. It is necessary to obtain an environmental consent decision before applying for a building permit.
The list of undertakings requiring an environmental consent decision is laid down in the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of September 10, 2019 on undertakings that may significantly affect the environment (Journal of Laws 2019, item 1839). An environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the planned investment project usually precedes the issuance of an environmental consent decision. A request for an environmental consent decision must be filed with the town or commune office in the area of the planned project.